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Dodge Ram Cummins 5.9l 6.7l diesel engine specs
Dodge Ram Cummins 5.9l 6.7l diesel engine specs have changed a lot from 1989 to 2017. The Cummins corporation actually made the engines for the Chrysler corporation bda Dodge and Ram companies. All these Cummins diesel engines are inline 6 cylinders. You can find these Cummins engines in many Dodge Ram 2500, 3500, 4500 and 5500 truck models. The original design in 1989 to 1993 started with a 5.9l VE-Rotary pump and 12 valves. These engine produced 160 horsepower (HP) and 400 foot pounds of torque (lb-ft). In the next generation of 5.9l Cummins engines they would change the pump to a P-7100 from 1994-1998 but was still only 12 valves. These Cummins engines produced from 175 to 235 HP and 440-460 lb-ft torque. In the third generation of 5.9l Cummins engines they would replaced the pump with the VP44 model and would move to 24 valves from 1998.5 to 2002. These Cummins engines produced 235-245 HP and 460-505 lb-ft of torque. These Dodge Ram trucks were also the first to get a catalytic converters which were required for EPA regulations. The last generation 5.9l Cummins engines from 2003 to 2007 used HPCR pump and 24 valves. They have 305-325 HP and 600-650 lb-ft of torque. Cummins made a displacement change in 2007.5 to the 6.7l Cummins diesel. This new generation of 6.7l engines started to use a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) as well as a catalytic converter for new stricter EPA regulations. The new Cummins 6.7l engine from 2007.5 to 2015 had 350-385 HP and 865 lb-ft of torque. In 2016 Cummins broke the 900 lb-ft torque mark. For both 2015 and 2016 Cummins had broken the torque records for any massed produced road worthy vehicle in the United States. The 2017 6.7L Cummins has the same engine as the impressive 900 lb-ft torque of the 2015 6.7L Cummins engine in the Ram trucks. Below is a chart from 1989 to 2107 to show the changes of HP, lb-ft, pumps and valves. Dyeautos.com has diesel trucks for sale many of these trucks are Dodge and Ram diesels. As a side note you can denote the 5.9l’s and 6.7l’s by the 8 digit of the VIN as a “C” or an “A,” respectfully.
Dodge diesels truck and later Ram diesel truck engines specs:
Pumps and years
VE-Rotary 1989-1993
P-7100 Pump 1994 t0 1998,
VP44 1998.5 to 2002,
HPCR pump from 2003 to 2017
Dodge Ram Cummins 5.9l 6.7l diesel engine specs:
Year Displacement (Disp) Horsepower (Hp) Torque (T) # of valves (V)
Year Disp Hp T V
1989 5.9L 160 400 12V
1990 5.9L 160 400 12V
1991 5.9L 160 400 12V
1992 5.9L 160 400 12V
1993 5.9L 160 400 12V
Year Disp Hp T V
1994 5.9L 175 420 12V
1995 5.9L 175 420 12V
1996 5.9L 215 440 12V
1997 5.9L 215 440 12V
1998 5.9L 235 460 12V
Year Disp Hp T V
1998.5 5.9L 235 460 24V
1999 5.9L 235 460 24V
2000 5.9L 235 460 24V
2001 5.9L 245 505 24V
2002 5.9L 245 505 24V
Year Disp Hp T V
2003 5.9L 305 555 24V
2004 5.9L 325 600 24V
2005 5.9L 325 610 24V
2006 5.9L 325 610 24V
2007 5.9L 350 650 24V
Year Displ Hp T V
2007.5 6.7L 350 650 24V
2008 6.7L 350 650 24V
2009 6.7L 350 650 24V
2010 6.7L 350 650 24V
2011 6.7L 350 800 24V
2012 6.7L 350 800 24V
2013 6.7L 385 850 24V
2014 6.7L 385 865 24V
2015 6.7L 385 865 24V
2016 6.7L 385 900 24V
2017 6.7L 385 900 24V
Dodge Ram Cummins 5.9l 6.7l diesel engine specs
I believe these numbers to accurate from various articles, Dodge/Ram forms and websites.

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Its hard to find inexpensive 4×4 trucks that look good and run good in Denver. Dye autos has several 4×4 trucks for sale including Ford F-150’s, F-250’s, Dodge Ram 1500, 2500 and Chevrolet 1500 and 2500s under $10,000. Due to the influx of trade-ins and the recent boom of the Colorado economy these vehicles come and go quickly from inventory. If you have a larger budget in mind like say $20,000 the opportunities open. We have trucks for sale like Dodge Ram 2500, 3500, Ford F150, f250, f350, Nissan Titan, Chevrolet, GMC 1500, 2500 and 3500 models. Mostly these trucks will have gas engines. Even harder to find are trucks for sale with diesel engines. Considering the cost of new similarly equipped trucks for sale in Denver by franchised Dealers these trucks are a great deal. Keep in mind the 2wd trucks for sale can also fit your budget if it is not a must to have a 4×4 pickup. If you are not stuck on a truck then maybe a AWD Ford Fusion or other AWD SUVs we have for sale by do the trick. For a huge selection of truck and SUV inventory check out dyeautos.com. You can call 303-286-1665 for a sales representative to answer all your questions.
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